How to: Build an Instagram Bio

How to: Build and Instagram Bio

Hello! And welcome to our 6 part series on optimizing your Instagram profile!

We are SO excited to welcome Kirista to the Essential Oily Life team!

Kirista is our Digital Marketing Manager who is focusing on our Social Media (check out our IG feed – she’s already making such an impact!)

She is also in charge of our external marketing strategies and education.  One thing she has started is our “Social Media Symposium” which this post is part of. You can catch her live on Instagram (or in our members Facebook page) when she teaches our EOL family about Social Media.

Let’s learn a bit more about Kirista!  She has a background in Marketing and Personal Development where she is John Maxwell and Jelly Marketing Certified. Her expertise and professionalism is evident and we are so excited for you to learn from her as well!

So let’s get on to it!  Here’s part 1 of this series – take it away Kirista!
xox, Karin

You have 5 seconds to capture a new follower’s attention on Instagram and what is in your bio is extremely important for those precious 5 seconds. Here are some tips to make sure you stand out!

The Name Field 

Because the name field shows up in search make sure to include keywords into it. For example:
Ideas for YL members – Oil Expert, essential oils guru, oils educator, healthy mom, YL educator, YL team builder, oily life, wellness coach

If you are not a brand then use your name, not your handle. The same thing goes for your profile pic use a photo of yourself unless you are a business, then you should use something business-related.

Find your Why + Who + Make it YOU

Really think about who you are and what you want to be known for. We call this niching down in the marketing world and it’s really important you are clear and specific about what you do and who you help. Everyone always says know your why that is super important but you also need to know you’re who! Who are you wanting to attract?

And then from there your going to build everything else! Because you can’t build anything without knowing your Why and you’re Who. And lastly, BE YOU!! Nobody else can be you and that’s the whole point. Get great ideas from people to spark inspiration and then put your personality onto it. This is your ninja skill, what you have to offer the world nobody else can so tap into that and let it fly!

Build your Bio:

If you have any kind of social proof always lead with that. For example are you a doctor, A nurse, a business coach, wellness expert? etc what is your ranking in YL?

Why not use cute stuff?  (leave it for the highlights)

Other ideas are I help …. Achieve … without the thing they hate.

I help moms grow their young living business without burning out! Use that as a template and then add your personality to it. Remember this is your first impression, you have 5 seconds and only 150 characters. Use. It. Wisely!


I hope that was helpful. We would love to hear from you and see your new bios head to our Instagram and send a DM so we can check it out.
Until next time! -Kirista