Cleanses. That word sounds terrifying. Why would anyone do a cleanse? Why would I do a cleanse? I would have NEVER done it but, I was recently challenged by one of my co workers to participate in Young Living’s 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse. The cleanse kit comes with 2 bottles of Ningxia Red {a super-packed antioxidant drink}, YL’s Balance Complete Protein and their Digest and Cleanse supplements. You’re to take the Balance Complete protein shake 3 times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), along with the supplements and Ningxia shot. You’re allowed 3 snacks {small snacks like a pear, apple, 1 tbsp almonds, etc) to be taken in between meals.

I started on a Tuesday {random day, yes, but I wanted to finish on a Saturday before a wedding}. The first two days were rough. I was hungry. I had headaches because I cut out all caffeine and sugar. I became discouraged as I prepared dinner for my family knowing that I could not partake in the meal. I wanted to throw in the towel. And then…day three came and I woke up without a headache and full of energy. I felt 100% better than the previous days and I knew I could finish the challenge.

Wedding day came and I felt great. I slid into the dress I bought and loved it – I didn’t feel bloated or heavy. My face didn’t feel puffy. Best part is I had tons of energy! Like Seriously, my energy level was through the roof {which was amazing considering I hadn’t had caffeine in almost a week!}

Would I do it again? Yes. I’m actually considering restarting it next month. Yes, it was hard but it’s only five days. A lot of people asked me if I lost weight. And, to be honest, I don’t know. I didn’t weigh myself either before or after the cleanse because my goal wasn’t to lose weight but to get rid of my unhealthy cravings. And yes, I haven’t had a cup of coffee in about a month and my yearning for sugary sweets is much better controlled. My husband tells me I look healthier and happier & that makes it all worthwhile.

Here are some tips I learned on how to successfully complete the cleanse
• Take advantage of your snacks. Use them to keep you satisfied between meals.
• Plan snack and meal time strategically {like breakfast meal around 8, snack around 1030 and lunch around 1230, etc) so you don’t go too long between something in your stomach
• Drink water! When you’re hungry, it’s easy to look for anything to satisfy that feeling. Drink 16 oz of water FIRST before you’re tempted to grab another snack. The water will fill your belly and keep you fuller longer.
• Don’t stress it. If you have an extra snack, don’t kill yourself over it. If you want to give up, don’t. Remember it’s only five days. You can do it.