Email Marketing Campaigns
*Our Automated Email Marketing Campaigns are included with our Garden and Estate memerships*
There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to sharing essential oils, and these automated email campaigns will help you fill the gaps where social media lets you down.
Each series sends automatically and is personalized with your info.
How does it work? Your visitors can sign themselves up from your website, or you can enter in emails to invite them to the series. If you meet someone in person you can easily have them input their email address as well. Want to see before you send? Sign yourself up for one of the proofing campaigns from your dashboard.
All emails will be sent personalized from you, and with links to your website.
For the Curious
We all have those people that we just wish would take a few minutes to learn about essential oils. Maybe you met them in passing, they’re not on social media, or they’re just more available digitally then in person. We created this email series for people who are new to the scene. This five part series will introduce people to the very basics of essential oils, the Seed to Seal promise and how to place an order with Young Living.
Emails Include:
- Why essential oils
- What are essential oils
- How to use essential oils
- Why Young Living
- Purchasing Options
Young Living Members 101
We all know that getting a new signup is just the first step in turning someone into a life long user, and maybe even a business builder. We’ve created a 6 part series that helps introduce people to the basics of using their oils, introducing them to other products, teaching them about the different order types, and introducing them to the business side of Young Living. This list is appropriate for brand new members, or even people who have been around awhile, but could use a refresher…or another introduction : )
Emails include:
- Using your diffuser
- Using oils topically
- Using oils internally
- NingXia Red
- Placing an Order
- The Young Living Opportunity
Inactive/Going Inactive
Do you have people who haven’t placed an order in awhile? These series make sure that people have a baseline knowledge of essential oils and will let them know what they need to do to keep their account from going inactive (or to reactivate their account). Some people forget, some people never got educated, and some people just don’t know what to buy. These series are a great way to reach out and start up that conversation again.
Emails Include:
- Your YL Account
- What does it mean to go inactive
- Using Oils
- Products to try
Business Builder
Once your members have become avid oil users, the next natural step is to introduce the to the Young Living business opportunity. This emails series helps to walk your members through what it looks like to be your next business builder. It is an easy what to start the conversation while giving your members time to read, learn, spark interest and come up with questions to keep the conversation going.
Emails Include:
- Income Disclosure Statement
- YL lingo
- Building basics
- Bonuses/Elite Express
- Compensation plan
- Business building resources
Privacy and other Considerations
- Everyone who signs up (or who you sign up) for these lists will be required to double opt in (via a confirmation email)
- We will not sell our email lists or market to anyone you signup without their permission.
- Our top priority is ensuring that all our users have access to this system, and maintaining email deliverability. Complaints by people who you add to these lists could result in loss of your access. To avoid this, have users sign them selves up, or make sure people are expecting to receive emails from you.