everything you need to market your Young Living business
Content Hacks
Here is your Young Living Guide to Social Media 2020. Whether you’re new to social media, a seasoned veteran, or feel completely overwhelmed by it this post will help equip you so that you can have more tools in your belt to grow your business, and accomplish your goals.
The graph you see above is the number of users viewing Instagram stories, as you can see it is a steady climb. I often hear people say they don’t want to bother with stories because well they disappear in 24 hours. This is completely reasonable why waste your time creating content that just disappears? The reason is that more people will see it then what you put in your feed. You have to post where the people are. The great thing about this is that EOL has created some awesome Stories classes for you to share and these can be saved in your “highlight” section of your page.
Here are some tips for utilizing stories:
1. Don’t overthink it and waste a ton of time. Follow your IPA Calendars and utilize all the content you have available.
2. Have a mixture of content. Post some live videos, some DIY’s, some tutorials, graphics, classes, quotes. Mix it up and have fun with it.
3. Double post in Facebook stories & IG you really can never post in too many places.
If you are wanting more information about stories check out this blog post and mark your calendar for January 31st where I will be doing a stories training. (or join our Facebook group for the replay)
Social Media
Social media can feel like a hungry toddler who hasn’t napped and is overtired, like WHOA! What do you post, when do you post, how do you post, where do you post, how do I get people to see it, why does it take all of my time. Yup, we get it BUT its also an incredibly powerful tool and with the right amount of consistency, effort, and learning you can become a boss at it and might even enjoy it. We have some pretty great training on all of this and you can find that here, here, & here , or in our private Facebook Group. But scroll on down for how you can use your EOL tools for prospecting on social media.
Just like shareable graphics, your classes are a great way to prospect on social media. We are creating more and more IG stories classes but you can even use the graphics from other classes and break them up using your script, or do the entire class on a Facebook Live, or zoom calls. And friend if you feel nervous to do it… do it anyway! The squasher of fear is action, so take action and just do it. If you completely fail so what you will get better only by doing.
Sharable Graphics
Your graphics are the perfect way to add value and connect on social media. These are perfect for posting to your feed, sending via DM, or putting in your story. You can add DIY recipes, tips, education, or testimonials. Also to make your life WAY easier make sure to use pre-plan your month using our IPA calendar and Planoly (hello we love that thing) This way you can get all the heavy lifting done in one afternoon so you can ride easy breezy the rest of the month and focus on showing your face on social media to connect that way daily.
If you would like some more ideas on creating content check out this post!
Email Marketing
Why should email marketing be apart of your everyday IPA’s because 80% of businesses who use automation generate more leads and convert 77% of those leads! So what does that mean? Creating email automation = MORE sales! 42% of organizations believe email is the MOST effective channel. So how do you use this tool for prospecting? First and foremost be mindful to build your email list.
You can do these multiple ways by using your EOL site:
1. You can quickly add new people you meet to your email list and to an auto series when you meet them at an event, out and about, or on social media.
2. You can send the link to your E-book that is on your site so that prospects can get a free e-book just for joining your email list. You can send this via text or PM.
So how do you implement this into your daily life? By making sure your being proactive about connecting with people on social media, connecting with people as you go a long your day, and looking for opportunities to ask for their email address in a very authentic way. A lot of the heavy lifting is done for you with the EOL tools which leaves room for you to do the most important work which is connecting. Follow along with your IPA calendar and then add your personality, strengths, and passions to each day, and watch your prospecting really become more effortless.
In the next post, we will talk about following up and how you can utilize your email marketing for following up.
Well friends, I hope that you have gotten some value out of today’s post. I hope you feel equipped to take some action and start putting your tools to good use. You have a fabulous day and I will see you on the next post all about…
The follow up.
Have a Fabulous day friends!